Fox C-6 School District is 153rd out of 2,891 other school districts in Race - White
Fox C-6 School District is 209th out of 2,150 other school districts in Home ownership rate
Fox C-6 School District is 241st out of 2,890 other school districts in Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino
Fox C-6 School District is 491st out of 2,891 other school districts in Residents younger than 18
Fox C-6 School District is 10th in Missouri out of 70 other school districts in People per household
Fox C-6 School District is 10th in Missouri out of 70 other school districts in Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino
Fox C-6 School District is 18th in Missouri out of 449 other school districts in Current population (2012)
Fox C-6 School District is 19th in Missouri out of 448 other school districts in Housing units
Fox C-6 School District is 19th in Missouri out of 449 other school districts in Households
Fox C-6 School District is 41st in Missouri out of 449 other school districts in Home median value
Fox C-6 School District is 44th in Missouri out of 449 other school districts in Income per household
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Current population (2012) | 73,427 | 18th | 6,021,988 | 313,914,040 |
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Residents younger than 5 | 7.6% | 94th | 6.3% | 6.4% |
Residents younger than 18 | 27.2% | 97th | 23.3% | 23.5% |
Residents 65 or older | 9.9% | 389th | 14.7% | 13.7% |
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Residents with high school diploma (older than 25) | 89.7% | 94th | 86.8% | 85.4% |
Residents with college degree (older than 25) | 19.3% | 100th | 25.4% | 28.2% |
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Race - White | 96.7% | 199th | 83.9% | 77.9% |
Race - Asian | 0.7% | 80th | 1.8% | 5.1% |
Race - Two or More | 1.8% | 168th | 2.0% | 2.4% |
Race - Hispanic or Latino | 2.7% | 96th | 3.7% | 16.9% |
Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino | 94.3% | 10th | 80.6% | 63.0% |
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Female residents | 50.5% | 230th | 51.0% | 50.8% |
Foreign born residents | 2.6% | 80th | 3.8% | 12.8% |
Fox C-6 School District | Rank | Missouri | US | |
Housing units | 28,064 | 19th | 2,723,415 | 132,312,404 |
Units inside multi-unit buildings | 9.7% | 55th | 19.6% | 25.9% |
Households | 26,130 | 19th | 2,354,104 | 114,761,359 |
Home ownership rate | 81.0% | 115th | 69.5% | 66.1% |
Home median value | $163,800 | 41st | $138,900 | $186,200 |
People per household | 2.7 | 10th | 2.5 | 2.6 |
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