Rank School District Households
1 Portland, Maine 31,199
2 Lewiston, Maine 14,912
3 Bangor, Maine 14,546
4 Regional School Unit 23, Maine 12,087
5 South Portland, Maine 10,503
6 School Administrative District 06, Maine 10,131
7 Auburn, Maine 9,902
8 Augusta, Maine 9,201
9 Biddeford, Maine 9,021
10 Brunswick, Maine 8,588
11 Sanford, Maine 8,486
12 Westbrook, Maine 7,594
13 Scarborough, Maine 7,379
14 Remainder of Maine, Maine 6,903
15 Waterville, Maine 6,233
16 York, Maine 5,576
17 Gorham, Maine 5,366
18 Wells-Ogunquit Community School District, Maine 4,711
19 Falmouth, Maine 4,427
20 Kittery, Maine 4,425
21 Brewer, Maine 4,123
22 Lisbon, Maine 3,792
23 Cape Elizabeth, Maine 3,640
24 Yarmouth, Maine 3,387
25 Winslow, Maine 3,282
26 Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor Community School District, Maine 2,589
27 Winthrop, Maine 2,495
28 Hermon, Maine 2,205
29 Millinocket, Maine 2,037
30 Jay, Maine 1,874
31 Madawaska, Maine 1,870
32 Vassalboro, Maine 1,792
33 Calais, Maine 1,579
34 Orrington, Maine 1,499
35 Deer Isle-Stonington Community School District, Maine 1,460
36 Bristol, Maine 1,379
37 Blue Hill, Maine 1,270
38 Milford, Maine 1,260
39 Southern Aroostook Community School District, Maine 1,153
40 Jefferson, Maine 1,006
41 Machias, Maine 934
42 Lincolnville, Maine 909
43 Acton, Maine 906
44 East Millinocket, Maine 814
45 Greenville, Maine 777
46 Dedham, Maine 709
47 Eastport, Maine 692
48 Surry, Maine 688
49 Nobleboro, Maine 673
50 Baileyville, Maine 662
51 Aroostook Unorganized Territory, Maine 636
52 Penobscot Unorganized Territory, Maine 612
53 Trenton, Maine 612
54 Hope, Maine 596
55 Jonesport, Maine 591
56 Medway, Maine 560
57 Appleton, Maine 554
58 Greenbush, Maine 545
59 Rangeley, Maine 539
60 East Machias, Maine 535
61 Easton, Maine 512
62 Fayette, Maine 498
63 Woodland, Maine 489
64 Washington Unorganized Territory, Maine 480
65 Brooksville, Maine 474
66 Penobscot, Maine 472
67 Edgecomb, Maine 469
68 Piscataquis Unorganized Territory, Maine 467
69 Sedgwick, Maine 465
70 Pembroke, Maine 440
71 Brooklin, Maine 429
72 South Bristol, Maine 424
73 Machiasport, Maine 390
74 Castine, Maine 386
75 Perry, Maine 382
76 Harmony, Maine 373
77 Princeton, Maine 373
78 Georgetown, Maine 370
79 Somerset Unorganized Territory, Maine 349
80 Franklin Unorganized Territory, Maine 323
81 Islesboro, Maine 305
82 Bridgewater, Maine 289
83 Robbinston, Maine 268
84 Southport, Maine 267
85 Indian Township, Maine 265
86 Jonesboro, Maine 247
87 Beals, Maine 234
88 New Sweden, Maine 228
89 Cutler, Maine 224
90 Carrabassett Valley, Maine 218
91 Pleasant Point, Maine 213
92 Whiting, Maine 211
93 Otis, Maine 211
94 Indian Island, Maine 211
95 Oxford Unorganized Territory, Maine 208
96 Airline Community School District, Maine 205
97 Grand Isle, Maine 197
98 Alexander, Maine 182
99 Marshfield, Maine 167
100 Dennysville, Maine 165
101 Long Island, Maine 161
102 Caswell, Maine 160
103 Chebeague Island, Maine 158
104 Dallas Plantation, Maine 137
105 Shirley, Maine 131
106 Roque Bluffs, Maine 129
107 Lowell, Maine 123
108 Charlotte, Maine 123
109 Baring Plantation, Maine 116
110 Woodville, Maine 110
111 East Range Community School District, Maine 96
112 School Administration District 10, Maine 92
113 Hancock Unorganized Territory, Maine 90
114 Cooper, Maine 86
115 Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Maine 85
116 Whitneyville, Maine 80
117 Medford, Maine 79
118 Northfield, Maine 79
119 Sandy River Plantation, Maine 74
120 Great Lake Stream Plantation, Maine 73
121 Meddybemps, Maine 67
122 Gilead, Maine 67
123 Bowerbank, Maine 66
124 Beaver Cove, Maine 63
125 Reed Plantation, Maine 58
126 Vanceboro, Maine 56
127 Rangeley Plantation, Maine 54
128 Cranberry Isles, Maine 54
129 Beddington, Maine 49
130 Crawford, Maine 49
131 Waite, Maine 48
132 Coplin Plantation, Maine 47
133 Upton, Maine 45
134 Westmanland, Maine 43
135 Caratunk, Maine 43
136 Orient, Maine 43
137 Wesley, Maine 42
138 Isle au Haut, Maine 39
139 Lakeville, Maine 39
140 Lake View Plantation, Maine 37
141 Willimantic, Maine 37
142 Carroll Plantation, Maine 35
143 Macwahoc Plantation, Maine 35
144 Bancroft, Maine 31
145 Lincoln Plantation, Maine 29
146 Highland Plantation, Maine 27
147 Nashville Plantation, Maine 27
148 Hersey, Maine 27
149 Kennebec Unorganized Territory, Maine 25
150 Talmadge, Maine 25
151 Monhegan Plantation, Maine 25
152 Drew Plantation, Maine 20
153 Moro Plantation, Maine 20
154 Frenchboro, Maine 19
155 The Forks Plantation, Maine 19
156 Deblois, Maine 17
157 West Forks Plantation, Maine 17
158 Seboeis Plantation, Maine 13
159 Kingsbury Plantation, Maine 13
160 Magalloway Plantation, Maine 12
161 Dennistown Plantation, Maine 4

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