Richmond Population By Year

Population Graph For Richmond, 1990 - 2022
Year Population Rank in US Growth Rate
2021 35,756 1,112 2.6%
2020 34,838 1,136 1.1%
2010 31,364 1,142 1.2%
2000 27,714 1,155 2.6%
1990 21,507 1,289

Richmond Population Facts

What is the current population of Richmond?

Based on the latest 2022 data from the US census, the current population of Richmond is 35,756. Richmond, Kentucky is the 1,112th largest city in the US.

What county is Richmond, Kentucky in?

Richmond is located entirely in Madison County.

What is the size of Richmond, Kentucky in square miles?

Richmond has an area of 22.8 square miles. Richmond is the 6th largest city, by area, in Kentucky.

What was the peak population of Richmond?

The current population of Richmond (35,756) is it's peak population.

How quickly is Richmond growing?

Richmond has grown 29.0% since the 2000. Richmond, Kentucky is growing somewhat quickly; it is growing faster than 62% of similarly sized cities since 2000.

What is the population density of Richmond, Kentucky?

Richmond has a population density of 1,375.3 people per square mile.

Similarly Sized Cities In Kentucky

US Rank Name Population Growth
644 Owensboro 60,011 10.6%
967 Covington 40,837 -4.9%
1054 Georgetown 37,730 103.6%
1112 Richmond 35,756 29.0%
1225 Florence 32,132 35.4%
1237 Elizabethtown 31,931 41.2%
1258 Nicholasville 31,490 51.0%
1287 Hopkinsville 30,683 1.6%
1351 Independence 28,920 90.5%
1362 Jeffersontown 28,671 8.1%

Similarly Sized Cities In US

US Rank Name Population Growth
1106 Marion, Ohio 35,868 -3.8%
1107 Norristown, Pennsylvania 35,829 14.3%
1108 Richmond, Indiana 35,817 -8.3%
1109 Windsor, Colorado 35,788 245.4%
1110 Temple City, California 35,763 6.4%
1111 Salisbury, North Carolina 35,760 16.9%
1112 Richmond, Kentucky 35,756 29.0%
1113 Claremont, California 35,703 4.7%
1114 Benton, Arkansas 35,675 54.8%
1115 Lauderdale Lakes, Florida 35,609 13.9%
1116 Plainfield, Indiana 35,592 73.3%
1117 Redmond, Oregon 35,582 130.3%
1118 San Juan, Texas 35,577 33.3%

Richmond Demographics

What is the voting age population of Richmond, Kentucky?

The total voting age population of Richmond, Kentucky, meaning US citizens 18 or older, is 28,295. The voting age population is 46.1% male and 53.9% female.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky residents are senior citizens?

According to the latest census statistics, 10.2% of the residents of Richmond are 65 or older.

What are the racial demographics of Richmond, Kentucky?

The racial demographics of Richmond are 87.3% White, 7.2% Black, 2.8% Two or more races, 1.3% Asian, 0.7% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 0.4% Other and 0.2% American Indian. Additionally, 2.3% of the population identifies as Hispanic.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky residents are below the poverty line?

In Richmond, 30.3% of residents have an income below the poverty line, and the child poverty rate is 33.9%. On a per-household basis, 21.0% of families are below the poverty line in Richmond.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky residents are in the labor force?

Among those aged 16 and older, 62.8% of Richmond residents are in the labor force.

What are the education levels among Richmond, Kentucky residents?

Among the adult population 25 years old and over, 88.5% of Richmond residents have at least a high school degree or equivalent, 31.1% have a bachelor's degree and 12.9% have a graduate or professional degree.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky residents speak a non-English language at home?

Among Richmond residents aged 5 and older, 5.0% of them speak a non-English language at home. Broken down by language: 2.4% of residents speak Spanish at home, 1.0% speak an Indo-European language, and 0.8% speak an Asian language.

Richmond Income & Labor Statistics

What is the unemployment rate in Richmond, Kentucky?

The unemployment rate in Richmond is 7.2%, which is calculated among residents aged 16 or older who are in the labor force.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky residents work for the government?

In Richmond, 17.5% of the residents in the non-military labor force are employed by the local, state and federal government.

What is the median income in Richmond, Kentucky?

The median household income in Richmond is $36,302.

Richmond Housing & Rent Statistics

What percentage of housing units are owner-occupied in Richmond, Kentucky?

In Richmond, 35.8% of housing units are occupied by their owners.

What percentage of housing units are rented in Richmond, Kentucky?

Renters occupy 64.2% of housing units in Richmond.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky housing units were built before 1940?

Of all the housing units in Richmond, 4.1% of them were build before 1940.

What percentage of Richmond, Kentucky housing units were built after 2000?

In Richmond, 30.2% of the total housing units were built after the year 2000, which is approximately 4,500 units.

What is the median monthly rent in Richmond, Kentucky?

The median gross monthly rent payment for renters in Richmond is $687.

What percentage of households in Richmond, Kentucky have broadband internet?

In Richmond, 79.8% of households have an active broadband internet connection.

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